Fellowship Hour
Each Sunday, immediately following the Worship Service, we share refreshments and conversation during the Fellowship Hour.
The congregation takes turns hosting the snacks and drinks. The first Sunday of the month is Birthday Sunday, where we celebrate that month's birthdays with a cake. 

Summer Church Picnic
Once a year, our church enjoys a picnic at either Loeb or Azalea Park. After our regular worship service, on a Sunday in August, we take the seven-mile drive up North Bank Road for a get together where we have great fun!

World Communion Sunday
Every first Sunday of October, we celebrate World Communion Sunday. Church members dress in international garb and bring food representing their country of ancestry...or a country special to them. This Sunday is all about awareness of our cultural differences and the unity of our religion that brings us together. It puts into perspective the shared values of Christians around the globe and how we share a common bond through Christ. 

Potato Fest
Return to Ireland! Each year on the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day, we celebrate the Irish Potato. After our Sunday Service we feast on baked potato with all the fixin’s. During the season of Lent and Easter our church places a great deal of importance on our eating together and sharing fellowship around the table. Our Potato Fest is just one more opportunity for fraternity, fellowship, and a delicious meal.

Lenten Soup Suppers
Each year, Brookings Presbyterian Church, Star of the Sea Catholic Church, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, and Trinity Lutheran Church join together to offer a special worship service every Wednesday night through the Lenten Season. Every Wednesday (excluding Ash Wednesday) we worship at a different church. Following a short service, we share a meal and conversation at a soup supper organized by the congregation of that week's host church. The Lenten Worship and Soup Suppers give members of all four churches an opportunity to worship together and share in the fraternity of our common bond in Christ.  Click here for a list of past Lenten Worship Services. 

Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost is an especially fun Sunday as the congregation dresses in red, the church is decked in red ribbons and flames, and the Fellowship Hour is filled with joy. Aside from a special offering for the Presbyterian Mission Agency of PC (USA), we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit descending in a mighty rush of wind and flame to inspire the church’s proclamation of Christ’s rising and to empower its mission and ministry to the world.

Advent Soup Supper Services
In 2016, we started a new annual tradition. We joined St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church and Trinity Lutheran Church to offer a special worship service every Wednesday night through the Advent Season. We rotated between the three churches (Ours, Episcopal, and Lutheran) each hosting one Wednesday evening service. After a short service we shared a soup supper organized by members of the host church. This new tradition brings us together as Christians during the holiday season.